
Bullying comes in all forms but is usually thought of as a K-12 issue that ceases to exist once students head off to college. This is not the case. In a 2012 study, 15% of college students admitted being bullied, and 22% reported being cyberbullied, through texts, emails, and social media. 

Often times, bullying is not reported in colleges and universities because students do not feel that is a "serious" enough issue to report. Bullying prevention is important because it is often times a precursor to more serious issues, including but not limited to: hazing, hate/bias incidents, and sexual misconduct. Stopping bullying when it starts is key. 

First Steps to Consider in a Crisis Situation

  • Get to a safe place
  • Preserve all evidence.
  • Save all text messages, emails, social media postings (taking screenshots can be helpful) or anything else that might relate to the incident.
  • Go to a nearby hospital or medical center for medical attention, if needed
  • Call a trusted friend, family member or someone else who can provide emotional support. 
  • Contact a resource center to help you navigate your options

Access Medical/Counseling Services:

Student Health and Counseling (SHAC)
505.277.3136 (24-hr number)
Counseling, crisis intervention and medical services for eligible students. 

Campus Law Enforcement:

UNMPD (University of New Mexico Police Department)

505.277.2241 (24-hr number)


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